
輻達股份有限公司成立於1978年, 初期以輸出製藥設備往東南亞國家為主要業務, 於80年代初期開始引進如美國Colorcon, 英國Lock, 法國SGD等世界名廠產品交付國內主要藥廠與食品廠家. 1984年另行成立 輻達股份有限公司以分擔逐漸擴充之進出口業務. 迄今, 製藥設備出口地區已涵蓋東南亞, 南亞, 西非, 南非, 南美, 香港, 中國及俄羅斯等國家與地區. 進口項目也增加代理美國之Weiler, Tekniplex, 義大利之Gallazzi, Crestani, 日本之Shiotani, Japan Shellac等公司之設備與材料. 兩家公司均由林正智藥師負責經營, 以提供專業技術, 真誠服務客戶為宗旨.

F. D. Enterprise Corp.established in 1978 and 1984 respectively, are associated companies specialized in supply of pharmaceutical machinery & equipment, packaging materials & excipients to the pharmaceutical industries. Export of pharmaceutical processing & packaging machinery and equipment covers countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, South Africa, West Africa, South America, Russia & Hong Kong. Domestic agency or distributorship includes excipients from Colorcon USA/Japan/UK, molded glass bottles from SGD France/Germany, blister films from Teknilex USA/Italy, glass ampoules from Crestani Italy, glass vials from Shiotani Japan, food grade shellac from Japan Shellac of Japan, metal detectors from Lock UK and automatic blow/fill/seal equipment from Weiler USA.